The weather is being quite uncooperative so we took the unprecedented step of planting some Broad Beans in cell-packs. Eep! We are putting in a pretty large crop of Broad Beans this year. There was a lot of demand for … Continued
Today’s the Big Day! Time to sow this year’s crop of Tomatoes. Four big foam coolers are set up with bottles of hot water for bottom heat and six hundred teeny-tiny seeds are pressed into their nursery cells. Now we … Continued
I am pretty sure that Kale does indeed make you nicer. Honest to goodness! We grow a lot of Kale in our market garden and it is really nice to see that people are growing ever more fond of this lovely … Continued
April in the Garden. This is the path to the greenhouse. Pretty lazy snow shoveler. I guess I figure that the guy that put the snow there ought to be the one to take most of it away. Also, there … Continued
We love love love to grow greens! We had two warmish and fabulously sunny days in a row after a very long stretch of seriously cold weeks (or was it months?) and that little hint of warmth made me think … Continued
Our little market garden is very much “Made By Hand”. We use hand-tools to cultivate, we carry compost by hand in metal buckets and Shank’s Pony is our ride to forage for wild blueberries. All hands on and usually in the … Continued
Tanemura is a Japanese word that a friend shared with me many years ago. It is supposed to translate into the words “Seed Village”. So charming. A sweet sentiment… “Tanemura” a little Community of Seeds. It is that time! That’s right! … Continued