I like to read about what the other fibre lovers are making. Wonderful makers share a window into their creative worlds with charming craft blogs. Lovely photographs document tidy little work-spaces. The pictures show beautiful yarn stashes that are neatly organized by colour and then there are pretty cups of tea sitting next to the handmade baskets of carefully organized craft tools. Pretty, pretty for certain.
Not so here. In this workspace we regularly hear “Release the Yarn-Kraken!” and then look in dismay at the bomb of yarn ends, piles of fluff and hopelessly tangled skeins, sigh.
Yarn really does rule my life. It fills every available storage container and is stuffed in every nook and cubbyhole. Skeins, balls and cakes of yarn are waiting to become toys, hats and scarves. Lovely soft mohair, cashmere, cotton, bamboo and even the dreaded red heart fill several chests of drawers and overflow from our largest garden trugs. Yarn ends decorate our carpets and they clog up the vacuum cleaners.
That is the way the balls roll around here I guess. Love the lovely Noro Kureyon Yarn. Sweet little parts for lovely little Bunnies and Sheepsters.
0 Responses
rachael robitaille
lovely abundant yarn oreative space! Looking forward to seeing more.
thanks,Raohael kindred yarn garden spirit…….!!!