Okey-dokey Artichokey

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Globe artichokes are really easy to grow on the West Coast but not quite hardy enough to be such an effortless perennial here in the frozen East.

We started a little planting of Green Globe Artichoke seedlings in late Winter and they grew quite well in the South window with a little supplemental lighting.

2015-03-10 08.55.41

2015-03-20 18.55.33

Artichoke plants will not usually flower and produce chokes in their first year so we had to do a little bit of trickery. If you give the young plants about 250 hours of chilly temperatures, keeping them under 50º F but above freezing, they will hopefully be fooled into believing that an entire Winter has been survived.2015-04-18 07.26.072015-08-05 16.13.55It worked! Lots and lots of pretty chokes are flowering on massive grey-green toothed plants.

I think we shall have to leave a few and allow the flowers to open fully. Pretty as a picture.