This is my neighbour’s trusty little work pony.
I really never ever thought an ATV could be so useful.
My previous experience with such machines generally involved youngish folks tearing up pristine areas of lovely woodlands, bogs and meadows with reckless driving of the very annoying and very noisy “Boy’s Toys”.
It is a most welcome change to see the positive side of such a machine. This lovely machine can carry precious Kelp up from the shore, it can carry the bales of very nice hay to hill up the Potatoes in the Potato field (and then it can move the resulting fabulous Potatoes back down from there too!).
This nifty little machine makes trips with loads of gravel or the very heavy buckets of life-giving water and it turns out to be just generally so very useful.
Who knew?
Oh, and the most helpful driver that is so very willing to share rides on his pony…renews all faith in the concept of the ATV as a useful and important part of what is – our generally low-tech sort of agriculture…this is for sure!
What a handsome fellow! Pony is not so bad either…