The first summer

Posted in: Garden, Island Life, Tools | 0

This Gardener is very sure that we have had enough Winter to begin dreaming of green things to come. Our lane is a sheet of ice that salt cannot touch and it feels like a very real blessing every morning to wake up and find that the water lines have not become frozen (unlike last winter). Bleak but strangely beautiful – that is Winter in this place. Every crocheted pebble, pole, and banner stands out like a beacon in the stone-cold world.

2015-02-14 09.52.29

Pictures of the Garden in the Summer seem like a lovely and remote dream.










It seems to be pretty common among all gardeners….a need to get your hands in the ground and to see little bits of green popping up. Pictures of the Summer Garden hold us over but the itch to get into the soil is growing stronger every day. Winter knits and seed catalogues will have to pass the time until the ground is soft enough to dig.

Dig this!

It has been suggested that digging a huge Garden by hand with a rather small stainless steel border spade, (love Lee Valley) is nothing short of crazy but I must admit that I actually love digging new garden beds. French intensive garden beds are my very favourite way to grow! There is little to no weeding, the beds hold water and the paths make garden work feel like a stroll along a path in the woods.

We do love this Garden!