Flower Fairies

Posted in: Garden, Handmade | 0

When I was a wee, little nipper, I was gifted with a book of “The Flower Fairies” (I think it was called Flower Fairies of the Spring). I pored over the images and began to look for the pictured pixies and imps in every little foresty-type nook and in every little flower blossom. The Bluebell Fairie! The Alder Fairie! The Mulberry Fairie! I did so want to believe. I never did see one but I loved them all the same, still do actually.

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Fairies and gardens and flowers. So sentimental and so perfect for baby hats! Making these little caps is big fun. I get to duplicate my favourite blooms to make wild, overblown, but fully wearable little hats.

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I do so love the courage of the intrepid little garden snowdrop that pushes it’s unlikely blooms through the last of the winter snow and I love this sweet little petal-soft snowdrop hat. An old fashioned bluebell cloche hat, a sweet little daisy cap and a cheery sunflower plonked upside down: all crafted in just the way that I imagine the fairies would like to wear them!


The loud blowsy little red poppy hat is my newest favourite. Now, if I can just convince the grown ups to wear fruit and flower hats… Big fun!

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Happy hats!